Tuesday, March 11, 2008

a penny for ijat's thoughts...

to me, this has been my most interesting experience so far (in teaching kids anyway...)... i'm actually quite used to teaching kids... coz everytime we have a long break, my house will be full of kids having some sort of like a summer camp in my house...but still, these kids in SENTUL have touched my hearts the most so far...they all seemed so innocent with such creative young minds who can bring up so many ways to cheer up my day...seriously...the whole hectic week enduring all the challenges in SAM is neutralize by just one day (a few hours to be exact) with these kids...though some are quite naughty (who's not when they are a kid themselves right???) but in their own special way they have a spot for us in their hearts...that really touches me (am i crying????).....hahahahahaha....

at one point, i feel like im a kid again remembering when i was a kid myself....i used to hate arts and anything to do with it...but then, i just LOVE doing the JOURNAL we are required to do in this programme.....it's just FUN!!!.....whenever i feel stressed about anything involving college life....i just open up my journal and start decorating it and writing.....seriously....my journal is COLOURFUL....never thought it will turn out that way....feels just like a kid....(miss those times whenever i come to think of it).....

these kids have potential to be somebody in the future...somebody who can contribute something anyhow in their lives...HENCE (as mr yong likes to say it), i am very happy and proud that i have the opportunity to be a part in these kids lives.... we might not be able to see it yet but i think that we have in a way inspired them (i pray to God that they are).... lets not look our contribution as a small one because as some people might say it...a small deed can come to be a big difference....

so, let us all just do our best for our next sessions and share as much as we can....dont ever think this project as a burden and just have fun doing it....it will feel a whole lot better to think it that way...just a way to entertain ourselves looking at these kids characters.....well, to all volunteers, i just wanted to say, FIGHTING!!! and CHAIYOK!!!!

p/s: i'm still searching for cute stickers to give to my kids....hehehehehehehehe....and also for my own journal....huhu...isn't it FUN????

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